
de la Synagogue 5, 1204 Genève, Switzerland




Though small in coffee production, Panama is a mighty player in coffee quality. In particular, Panama is famous for producing Geisha variety lots that have


Nicaragua may not be the most famous producer of Central American coffee, but it has great potential. The country is known as the land of


With seeds from the Caribbean, cultivation began in Veracruz, where custom house records indicate a few hundred bags of coffee were exported as early as


More than 60% of Honduran coffee is grown above 1,200 meters and almost all on small to medium sized farms.


Guatemala boasts a variety of growing regions and conditions that produce spectacular coffees. Guatemala has an abundance of water, volcanic soil, and very distinct micro-climates

El Salvador

Coffee was first introduced to El Salvador from the Caribbean as a garden crop in the mid-18th century The country is known for its great

Costa Rica

They Say the coffee arrive to Costa Rica from the Johnny Appleseed of coffee, the Caribbean islands, the most productive coffee region in the world


You can imagine the growing success of Peruvian specialty coffee production as a leading supplier of organic coffee and considered one of the most delicious


Although coffee had been grown in Colombia since the 18th Century So much land in Colombia on which coffee can be grown is at high


Brazil produces 40% of the world’s coffee, with more than million bags annually. Brazil produces everything, the most important of is Arabica, including Rio Minas